Find out how financial and accounting/tax flows work for Fotop users

Find out how financial and accounting/tax flows work for Fotop users

Fotop acts as a photo sales marketplace and a platform that allows the creation of white label stores for use by photographers and companies using Fotop.

Find out how the financial and accounting flow works for each region in which Fotop operates.

Brazil 🇧🇷

The financial flow for sales made is done through a method we call "payment split". When paying for the photo order, the amounts are distributed to the accounts of the beneficiaries (Fotop, photographers, owner of the event on the platform, organizer and reseller). Not necessarily in all orders the values are divided into all these parts. Often there are no parties for the organizer, event owner on the platform or reseller.

After dividing the amounts receivable by each party, check how the financial flow and tax/accounting organization works for each region in which Fotop operates.

After dividing the amounts receivable by each party, payments follow the bank clearing deadlines by type of payment. PIX is instantaneous, invoices take up to 2 business days to be available and credit cards follow the payment clearing period: up to 30 days for cash payments, or in more months when paid in installments. To receive money from sales, you must have a bank account with the same CPF/CNPJ as your registration and request the transfer via the administration panel.

In accounting terms, Fotop receives a sales commission on sales and the photographer/photography company that owns the photo is responsible for issuing a tax document to the end customer.

At the end of the month, Fotop issues a note to the photographer/photography company regarding the commissions that were withheld.

If there is an event organizer or third party who also receives a commission, they are responsible for issuing an invoice against the photographer/photography company at the end of the month.

So that photographers can fulfill their tax obligations with end customers, Fotop provides a list of customer tax data that must be issued during the period on the control panel.

Step by step to download the data for issuing tax documents:

1) Access the website and log in with your username and password.

2) Access financial menu:

3) Click on "Data for issuing invoice"

4) Select the type of invoice you will issue:

  1. Sell Photos (photographers)
  1. Partner Commissions (If you are a photography company or Photographer who creates events
  1. Organizing Commissions (Amount received by the Organizer directly through Fotop)

5) Select the period

6) Click Preview

7) Download the CSV file and issue the NFs from the file.

Latin America 🌎

Sales made in Latin American countries are made in local currency and converted to Euros. This conversion is made at the time of sale using the official quote and has a currency conversion rate (FX) of 3%. At the beginning of each month, amounts receivable from the previous month are closed and a payment in Euros is sent to a Payoneer account registered in the photographer's name by the 10th or first business day after the 10th of each month.

In accounting terms, Fotop issues an invoice for each customer who purchases photos and requires an invoice with the total closing value of the month from the photographer/photography company to make the shipment to Payoneer. The photographer authorizes Fotop to issue the invoice on the panel in the photographer's name and the document will be generated by Fotop automatically and made available to the photographer on the panel for tax control and declaration purposes.

Necessary data from the photographer/photography company:

  • Full name
  • Complete address
  • Email
  • Taxpayer number

Europe, United States and Australia 🌍

The financial flow for sales made in EUR (Euros), US Dollars or Australian Dollars is done through a method called "payment split". When paying for the photo order, the amounts are distributed to the accounts of the beneficiaries (Fotop, photographers, owner of the event on the platform, organizer and reseller). Not necessarily in all orders the values are divided into all parts. Often there are no parties for the organizer, event owner on the platform or reseller.

The photographer/photography company needs to have a Stripe account and connect Stripe in the admin panel. After clicking the "connect" button, the photographer/photography company must authenticate their data on Stripe. After the request, the money is already in the Stripe account and has a period of 3 days to be available for redemption. The transfer to a bank account is requested via the Stripe panel itself.

Step by step:

1) Click on bank details:

2) Connect Stripe account:

3) Follow the instructions on the Stripe page.

In accounting terms, Fotop receives a sales commission on sales and the photographer/photography company that owns the photo is responsible for issuing an invoice to the end customer with the total value of the sale.

At the end of the month, Fotop issues an invoice to the photographer/photography company regarding the commissions that were withheld.

If there is an event organizer or third party who also receives a commission, they are responsible for issuing an invoice against the photographer/photography company at the end of the month.

The process of issuing an invoice to the end client by the photographer/photography company is automated and carried out by Fotop, for which authorization must be provided to Fotop by the system user

The photographers/photography company must, in addition to authorizing Fotop to issue invoices in their name, inform the country where they have tax residence and VAT if they are registered.

The photographers / photography company has access to all invoices generated by Fotop in their name as well as the invoice generated by Fotop for Photographers in the panel for tax control and declaration purposes.

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