How do I apply for a job on Fotop Serviços Marketplace?
In which countries is this functionality available?
This functionality is only available in 🇧🇷 Brazil.
The first step to being able to apply for a job on Fotop Serviços Marketplace is to be registered on the platform and have at least one approved portfolio in some segment of activity (parties, rehearsals, real estate, corporate and others).
Then, you must track service requests posted by customers within your photographer dashboard. For that:
- In your photographer dashboard, access the "Opportunities" module.
- Then, click on the “Job Opportunities” submenu.
- View the list of opportunities and follow the steps on the screen to send a proposal for the one you are interested in.
Remember to read the briefing and job details carefully. If you are interested, simply inform the amount you want to earn, the expiration date of your proposal and the deadline you need to deliver the photos after work.
Once sent, the client will receive your proposal and will be able to view your portfolio, send a message to ask questions and approve or deny.
If you are chosen, this work will appear in the "My work" menu.
The client will receive your contact details so that you can arrange work.
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