How to anticipate my amounts receivable

How to anticipate my amounts receivable

In which countries is this feature available?
This feature is only available in šŸ‡§šŸ‡· Brazil.

Find out how to anticipate the balance you have to receive
The Fotop cashier shows you three values:

  • Available amount: this is the amount that has already been received by Fotop and can be transferred to your bank account;

  • Amount receivable: amount referring to sales that have already been made, but have not yet been received by Fotop;

  • Total value: is the sum of the two values above, that is, the total in R$ that you have already sold and have not yet transferred to your bank account.

The deadline for sales amounts to become available depends on the payment method chosen by the customer:

  • Payments made via PIX: the amount is available for transfer immediately;

  • Payments made via bank slip: the amount is available within two business days;

  • Payments made via credit card: the amount is available within 30 days.

However, you have the option to advance the value of your sales made by credit card.

How it works?
On your dashboard, in the ā€œfinancialā€ menu, click on the ā€œAdvance balance receivableā€ button.

You will see a display that allows you to set the amount you want to anticipate.

After requesting the advance payment, the system calculates exactly the amount of the fee charged and the amount you will be able to advance. Then, after your confirmation, within one business day this amount becomes available for transfer to your bank account.


  • The advance value will always be linked to one or more transactions. In other words, our system will automatically seek to add transactions (orders) that are closest to the value you want to anticipate. Therefore, you may not be able to anticipate the exact value you entered on the display.

  • Fee: This functionality involves paying a fee. This fee is charged by the payment platform we use and Fotop does not receive any percentage of the fee amount. This value may vary according to the value of the advance and the time in which these values would be available.

  • After defining the amount and agreeing on the fee charged for the advance payment, within one business day the amount becomes available for transfer to a registered bank account. In other words, the advance amount will not be automatically sent to your bank account, but will instead become available for transfer. If you request advance payment by 11 am, the amount becomes available for transfer on the same day.

  • Once the amount becomes available on your dashboard, the transfer process to your bank account remains the same. The deadline for receipt in the registered bank account is also up to one business day. A transfer fee of R$0.50 is charged (except for Bradesco or Stone accounts, where there is no fee) per attempted transaction.

  • It is not possible to request advance payments on weekends and bank holidays.

  • The rule for anticipation is that the system always looks for the most recent amounts you have to receive, minimizing the value of the anticipation fee. In other words, if you have an order that was paid in installments, the advance amount will refer to the installments that you have to receive in less time, and this does not mean that the next installments will also be advanced to you.

A practical example:

Imagine a scenario where you have R$400.00 to receive and want to pay R$200.00 in advance.

The R$400.00 comes from a sale that was paid in four installments and the installments of R$100.00 would be available in the following order: May, June, July and August.

By requesting an advance of R$200.00, you anticipate the installments for May and June and the rest of the installments will be available within the original term, that is, from July onwards.
If you cancel or abandon the advance confirmation stage, the amount may take up to 10 minutes to become available for advance payment again. Don't worry, if you don't confirm the advance payment, the amount will be shown as ā€œreceivableā€ again.

If you have any questions about the process of advance payment and receipt, please contact our team via online chat on your photographer panel or by email at [email protected] .

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